About Me



Sharrath Srinivasan 


He was born in silver spoon and life was treating him well but in 2015 he was hit by a tragic trauma. 


A by big brain hemorrhage, doctor told he will not survive at all but by luck of god he survives he will have 3 gifts 


               1) He will never be able to talk ie mute life long. 

               2) He will be a potato on the bed 

               3) He will loose his memory 


He was 7 days comma and 36 days in hospital. 


For first 6 months there parents did not understand his stammered speech, after attending Vipasana we spoke for the first time. 


Later he learnt alphabets, numbers at 28 age. 


He visited the doctor after 8 months, Docter was in shock and told your one out of 1 lakhs who spoke, it is miracle of miracle and proved medical wrong. 


Listening to his words he developed a strong mindset. 

1 Published in 33 websites 

2 Interviewed by Suman TV, RTV, PwC and many more 

3 Vipassana Permanent participant 

4 Travelled Various places in India and Aboard 

5 Solved problems of people (10000s) lives 

6 Given 75+ impactful speeches

7. Written a book “Dare to Dream by Sharath” 

8. Master in NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) 

9. MRM Specialist 

10. Master of 5 Spokes of Life coach 

11. Digital Marketing 

12.10 X Productivity coach 

13. Done 20 + certification personally and officially 

14. Mobile Astrology

15. Name Astrology

and many more astrology...


If the world or universe keeps a competition to select 100 happiest people in the world he will be selected among 100 people. 


We are interested in hearing the mindset coach's perspective on turning obstacles into opportunities.

Few Accomplishments



1. Published in 33 Websites 

2. Interviewed by Suman TV, RTV, Company and many more 

3. Vipassana Permanent Participant 

4. Travelled Various Places in India and Abroad 

5. Helped and Resolved Issues in People's Lives (10,000s) 

6. Given 50 Impactful Speeches

7. MRM Specialist 

8. 5 Spokes of Life Coach 

9. Digital Marketing 

10. 10 X Productivity Coach

11. Master in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

12. 75 + Invited Talks 

13. 5 + Countries Visited 

14. B. Tech, MBA (London), 

15. Life & Productivity Coach

16. Mobile Numerology

17. Name Numerology

18. Did 10 Certifications

19. Written a book “Dare to Dream by Sharath”

20.Pursuing Psychology

and many more...

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